🧟‍♂️ Welcome to Zombie Doge (ZDOGE) 🧟‍♂️

What is Zombie Doge?

Doge has returned from the dead! ZDOGE is the ultimate undead meme token, ready to take over the crypto world!


🔥 Total Supply: 1 Billion ZDOGE
🔒 Liquidity Locked
🚫 Revoke Mint | 🚫 Revoke Freeze

💀 4% Tax | 50% Tax Managed for Token Burning & CEX Listing

How to Buy

1. Get Phantom or Solflare Wallet
2. Buy SOL
3. Swap for $ZDOGE on Raydium (SOL/ZDOGE Pair)

Buy on Raydium

Contract Address


View on SolScan

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